Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hello period 8 and 9 bio class, its Jaclyn.On Friday September 21st the class reviewed the requirements for what was needed on the Population Genetics Lab. This Lab was suppose to represent populations under different conditions of evolutionary change. The first being in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, the second being in a selection against homozygous recessive, the third being where the homozygous had an advantage and the fourth was the case with genetic drift. Through case four we see how Genetic Drift proves that Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium is a synthetic theory because we see how genetic drift occurs and causes evolutionary change. For case numbers 1, 2, and 3 we had an original population of 17 individuals with 34 alleles(2 per each individual). For Case number 4 we had 6 individuals and 12 alleles. After each person in the class collected their own information for the lab the class combined information together, and calculated the frequencies of the genotype by using the Hardy Weinberg equation which would be.
p² + 2pq + q² = 1
The data is as follows:

Case #1:Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
Generation# :p2 (AA)- parental=.25 F5=.18
2pq(Aa)- parental=.5 F5=.70
q2(aa)- parental=.25 F5=.12
Frequency of alleles:p(A)-.5 q(a)-.5
p(A)-.53 q(a)-.47

Case #2:Generation# :Homozygous recessive
p2 (AA)- parental=.25 F5=.592pq(Aa)- parental=.5 F5=.41q2(aa)- parental=.25 F5=.0
Frequency of alleles:p(A)-.5 q(a)-.5p(A)-..79 q(a)-.21
Case #3:Generation# :Heterozygous advantagep2 (AA)- parental=.25 F5=.18 F10=.352pq(Aa)- parental=.5 F5=.82 F10=.65q2(aa)- parental=.25 F5=.0 F10=.0
Frequency of alleles:p(A)-parental=.5 q(a)-parental= .5p(A)-F5= .59 q(a)-F5= .41
p(A)-F10=.68 q(a)-F10-.65

Case #3:Generation# :Heterozygous advantagep2
(AA)- parental=.25 F5=.18 F10=.352pq
(Aa)- parental=.5 F5=.82 F10=.65q2(aa)- parental=.25 F5=.0 F10=.0
Frequency of alleles:p(A)-parental=.5 q(a)-parental= .5p(A)-F5= .59 q(a)-F5= .41
p(A)-F10=.68 q(a)-F10-.65

Case #4:Genetic Drift.
Each group had different data.

This lab demonstrated that the Hardy Weinberg theory does not work out, because of five agents that affect evolutionary changes. In Hardy Weinberg equilibrium allele frequencies do not change. Hardy Weinberg populations are non-evolving populations that are not affected by the five agents of evolution including, genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, random mating, and natural selection. We know that this can not occur and that these five agents cause evolutionary changes in nature.

The following is a link to better understand the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and the five agents of evolution.


Later class!
Tommrows sherpa will be Kerrie Sheldrick.

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